Free Download Erp Software With Source Code In C

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03-12-2019 Business ERP Inventory & Accounting Software With Full Source Code

  1. Free Download Erp Software With Source Code In Css
  2. Free Download Erp Software With Source Code In C#

Shop ERP & Accounting System Full Project With Source Code & Database

Most ‘free’ open source ERP solutions end up costing thousands or tens of thousands of dollars in implementation costs. Bitrix24 in cloud requires no deployment and is ready to be used in 30 seconds. And if you would like to host Bitrix24 on your server and require open source code as well, you can purchase self hosted license. With The Source Code Viewer, the Source Code Viewer is a quick and easy way to get the source code of a Web site. You just fill in the Web site, and just wait within 2 seconds, the Source Code.

Shop ERP is a Modern and responsive Business management system. It is developed by C# and metro design framework. It is designed and developed for thinking shop, small business, company and any types of business. Here has accounting, management, invoice, user, income statement, reports and many more…

Creative Commons recommends and uses free and open source software licenses for software. To use the Free Software Foundation’s GNU General Public License, see how to use GNU licenses for your own software. Learn about other free and open source software licenses at these sites: Free Software Foundation licenses list Open Source Initiative approved licenses Read More 'Software: free.

Main Features

Payment Type :

WP ERP is the next free open source ERP software for Windows. It is a powerful ERP software that gives you an integrated environment to manage a business and automate many back office functions related to Technology, Services, Human Resource, etc. Version Control Software VCS is also referred as SCM (Source Code Management) tools or RCS (Revision Control System). Version control is a way to keep a track of the changes in the code so that if something goes wrong, we can make comparisons in different code versions and revert to any previous version that we want. Itunes 11.4 for os x 10.6 download. I love C and I prefer C over any other programming languages when it comes to creating desktop applications. Many people are unfamiliar with the real power of C plus plus and thus to make them familiar with robustness of C, I have compiled a list of famous systems, software packages or applications and libraries written in C programming languages.

  • Create
  • Manage

Item / Product :

  • Add Item
  • Manage Item
  • All Items Details
  • Add Stock / Purchase
  • Manage Stock
  • Add Stock
  • Purchase List
  • Manage Purchase

Customer :

  • Create
  • Manage

Invoice / Bill :

  • Create Invoice
  • Invoice Desk
  • Manage All Invoice
  • Manage Invoice Item

Stock Manage :

  • Create
  • Manage

Purchase :

  • Create
  • Manage

Supplier Payment :

  • Create
  • Manage

Supplier :

  • Add Info
  • Manage Info
  • All Supplier Details
  • Create Supplier Payment
  • Manage Supplier Payment
  • Show All Supplier Payment

Team / Employee :

  • Create Info
  • Manage Info

Expense / Voucher :

  • Add Exp Category
  • Manage Exp Category
  • Add Expense Details
  • Manage Expense Details
  • Show All Expense Details

Income Statement

  • Date Wise
  • Manage

Sales Report :

  • All Sales Report
  • Sales By Payment Type
  • Sales By Customer
  • Sales By Item

Supplier Report :

  • All Supplier Payments
  • All Accounts Payable
  • Supplier Payment By ID

Other Reports :

  • Item List
  • Item Stock
  • Supplier List
  • All Expense Report
  • Expense By Category
  • Income Statement
  • All Purchase Report
  • Purchase By Supplier
  • Purchase By Item

Requirements :

  • Visual Studio 2012
  • SAP Crystal Report
  • .Net Framework 4.5
  • Microsoft Access 2007 / 2010
  • Windows 7 , 8, 8.1 and 10 ( Operating System )

User Name / Password :

  • Username : admin
  • Password : admin
It’s user friendly software & It can be used on your own.
You can use this project lifetime without any permit or license.

User Guides are included in product’s main file

....Thank You


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Free download erp software with source code in css

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Business ERP Inventory & Accounting Software With Full Source Code

If you are looking for free ERP system, Bitrix24 may very well be the best option available on the market, especially if you are looking for ERP with built in CRM and HR management system. Most ‘free’ open source ERP solutions end up costing thousands or tens of thousands of dollars in implementation costs. Bitrix24 in cloud requires no deployment and is ready to be used in 30 seconds. And if you would like to host Bitrix24 on your server and require open source code as well, you can purchase self hosted license.

* Please note that the information may have changed since the publication. For current prices and features please visit Bitrix24 pricing page.
P.S. If you share this page in Facebook or Twitter with hashtag #bitrix24, you'll automatically get a chance to win a 12-month subscription for Bitrix24 Professional ($2400/yr value)

Basic features

  • Unlimited free users
  • HR system
  • CRM system
  • Planning system
  • Document system
  • Collaboration system
  • Cloud or self hosted
  • Mobile ERP
  • API and marketplace

Intranet system

Bitrix24 comes with a fully featured intranet system, equipped with searchable employee directory, organizational chart, company media gallery, employee engagement tools, such as company pulse, extranet for external user access and much more. T racks bundle crack vst. The self hosted version offers additional benefits, such as a choice between classic and social intranet (aka enterprise social network) as well as Active Directory and Single Sign On integrations. Learn more about Bitrix24 ERP internet system.

HR System

Free HR management system is one of the most popular parts of Bitrix24 ERP. It comes with all core HRIS / HRMS features, including self service portal, leave request system, attendance and time tracking, work reports, knowledge management (manuals, wiki, etc). Employee time line (available in the self hosted Bitrix24 only), shows you dates for hiring and terminations of all your employees.

Sales Management System

Unlike other EPR systems, Bitrix24 comes with built in CRM and sales automation that requires no integration.

  • Access rights
  • Quotes & Invoices
  • Sales reports
  • Sales automation
  • Email marketing
  • Telemarketing
  • Website to CRM

Planning System

Task and project management system inside Bitrix24 is extremely powerful. You can create workgroups for your projects, assign employees, track their progress and delegate, if necessary. Gantt chart, task templates, repeating tasks, checklists inside tasks, task reports, shared calendars are available as well. You can create unlimited number of subtasks for each task or subtasks (aka nested tasks). Learn more

Document Management System

Think of Bitrix24 document management system as your cloud company file server or private ‘Dropbox’ that sits on your server. Access rights, synchronization, multidevice access, online and offline editing, in text search, versioning, file sharing and locking, all of these features are available to you. And if you use Dropbox, Box, OneDrive or Google Drive/Docs, these are already integrated with Bitrix24 out of the box. Learn more

Business Process Automation

Business process automation system are the heart of ERP. Here’s what you can do with Bitrix24:

  • Custom workflows
  • Document approvals
  • Automatic task creation
  • Lists/Forms
  • Social BPM

Communication and Collaboration

It’s the twenty first century and the companies are changing the ways they communication and collaborate. Bitrix24 gives you:

  • Video conferencing
  • Screen sharing
  • IM & Group chat
  • Mobile
  • Enterprise social network

Mobile ERP

ERP on your iPhone, iPad or Android device? Yes, and it’s absolutely free:

Free Download Erp Software With Source Code In Css

  • Mobile HR
  • Mobile CRM
  • Mobile Tasks
  • Mobile Docs
  • Mobile workflows
  • Mobile collaboration


It’s the twenty first century and the companies are changing the ways they communication and collaborate. Bitrix24 gives you:

Free Download Erp Software With Source Code In C#

  • Self hosted integrations
  • Source code

Bitrix24 ERP manual and online training videos are available here and here. For a free online demo, self hosted Bitrix24 30 day trial or customization/integration requests, please contact Bitrix24 partner in your region directly.